Our Focus


Education is key for stability and growth. Each day is an opportunity to learn a new skill or try a new task. The love the Bains have for the sciences birthed Alliance Dental Institute, that produces skilled, career ready dental assistants. Deriving from an island where high education was not easy to come by Dr. Bain & Mahala created a curriculum that will allow students to thrive in a growing field.


A wise man named Kahlil Gibran once said “Music is the language of the spirit. It opens the secret of life bringing peace, abolishing strife.” Mahala believes music to be an escape and a gateway to healing. Music gives inspiration and has been proven to improve mental health. Her passion for music, led to her to gifting the musical language to the youth of her community. For the past 5 years, the Bains have funded the Carrollton Elementary School Pre-K music program for about 200 students. The Pre-K Music program that the Bains sponsor, orchestrated by Mr. Terry Lowry consists of a 30-week curriculum that allows the students to make correlations between languages and everyday activities. They are able to learn musical history, how to communicate & regulate their emotions, and how to truly enjoy the essence of musical composure


Together, the Bains have an abundance of life experiences that make them perfect candidates for mentors of young teens and young adults. While working in the school system, they noticed teens lacking skills needed for success. They pride themselves on being able to teach the youth basic skills, life skills, key pillars development, & growth. By providing exceptional mentorship gives mentees the opportunity to better themselves and influences them to become the best versions of themselves.